Sunday, August 31, 2008

Even more Super Botox Me

Kate Flett in the Observer writes a nice piece about journalist Kate Spicer's entertaining investigation into Botox treatments. I always like reviews that make me want to watch programmes that I'd otherwise decided weren't for me. While I'm not, as Flett puts it "your average female viewer of a certain age", (I'm of the age but not the gender) I like the fact that Spicer tried the treatments out on herself. Further, Flett's piece makes me wonder if and when I'll switch over from my purely natural beauty regime (mostly trying not to drink a bottle of wine a day) to taking a more man-made solution to the visible problems (mostly caused by my natural beauty regimen). Anyway, this is what Flett says:

In the latest of C4's feisty-femmedocs, Super Botox Me, the likeable, funny journalist Kate Spicer investigated the seductive world of Botox and beyond. At 39, and with an attractive but undeniably lived-in face, a combination of journalistic curiosity and pure vanity led her to have 40 Botox injections and something called a Fraxel Laser Facial, which left her looking as if she'd been blowtorched by a Dalek.

Spicer was amusing and honest about her ambivalence towards procedures which were painful but also painfully addictive. The results were fabulous, knocking five years off her age, which, for your average female viewer of a certain age, was the problem. Being a wuss about needles, I am still stemming the tsunami of time with excellent haircuts, pots of SK-II skin cream and what I call 'Photox': picture-retouching. But who am I kidding? For my 45th birthday I'd be happy enough to look like Kate Spicer's Before, never mind her Afters.

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